UPDATE: The security team has been assembled. If you still want to volunteer as backup, see Roadie at the security desk during the conference.

2600 Magazine presents The Next HOPE, the eighth conference in the 16 year history of the Hackers On Planet Earth series. It will happen at the Hotel Pennsylvania in the middle of New York City from July 16-18, 2010, and will be the largest creative technology conference on the U.S. East Coast.

We are looking for security volunteers: bright enthusiastic people who like telling others where to go in a polite way.

You will get a really cool t-shirt for your efforts and a behind the scenes view of an amazing conference.

Submit a statement regarding why you want to be on the security team to security@hope.net .

Any former security volunteers who want to re-up, email Roadie so he can get you onto the new security mailing list.

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